First Step – Performing Authentication

The job posting API enables third party companies to post jobs directly to eFinancialCareers. This section will outline the procedure to authenticate to post and manage jobs on behalf of clients of eFinancialCareers.


You will need an API key, a password and an API Key for the client you are posting the job on behalf of. These keys are needed to identify you and the client. If you have these then you are set to continue.


Please note, if you have been posting jobs using the legacy system, the API key for this will not work with this new job posting API.

Authentication Flow

Step One

To authorise, send an HTTP POST request to the following URL:


With these mandatory HTTP headers:

Content-Type: application/xml
Authorization: EfcAuth realm="EFC"

And supply this XML representation in the HTTP request body with your credentials:

<provider xmlns="">

apiKey - Your API key to identify you. This key does not change unless requested by you.
password - Your password.
trustedAccountApiKey - The API key for the user you are posting the job on behalf of. This key represents your client and does not change.


Upon success, the server responds with HTTP 200 OK status code and an XML representation containing a token. For subsequent requests you will need to use this token so the server can identify your session. The session will expire after 30 minutes if no interaction with the server is maintained.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<token xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

Step Two

If you would now like to post a job, your HTTP Authorisation header should contain the token received after your initial login as described in step one above.

Authorisation: EfcAuth realm="EFC", token="522c3c4bd036a69db428ce4274745e9d"

Handing API errors

As the eFinancialCareers‘ API is RESTful, any HTTP status codes within the 4xx and 5xx range are classified as errors. The XML representation in the response body will help you determine the cause of each individual error that occurred.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<errors xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<error errorCode="10013"><errorType>MSG_AUTH_INVALID_CREDENTIALS</errorType>
<translation lang="en">Invalid credentials</translation></error>